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How to Keep Your Cat Healthy & Happy

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How to Keep Your Cat Healthy & Happy

As a cat owner, you want to do everything you can to keep your pet healthy and happy. But how can you do that without spending a lot of money?

Fortunately, there are some relatively simple things you can do to ensure your cat stays healthy and active for as long as possible.


If you want your cat to be healthy and happy, the first thing you should do is make sure they are getting all of the nutrients they need. This includes food, water, and other dietary supplements.

When you feed your cat, choose a quality cat food that meets their needs and eat it according to the directions on the packaging. Check the label and consult your veterinarian if there are any illnesses or conditions that require adjustments to your cat’s diet.

Timed feeding is a great way to help your cat get all the food they need while staying healthy and avoiding weight gain. This method involves setting two or three specific times to dish out the best dry and wet cat foods and removing their bowl when they have finished.


Water is vital for a cat’s health and well-being. It helps maintain the body’s temperature, fluid balance and digestion.

The amount of water a cat needs to drink depends on their diet and other factors such as age, activity and health conditions. In general, adult cats need about 60mls/kg of water per day.

To make sure your kitty drinks enough water, set up additional water bowls around your home. You can use different-shaped bowls or colorful mugs to catch your cat’s attention and encourage them to take a drink.

In the warmer weather, drop some ice cubes into your kitty’s water bowl to cool it and keep her hydrated. There are also plenty of water fountains on the market that entice your cat to drink more.


Grooming is a normal part of your cat’s daily routine. They lick themselves to remove loose hair, spread sebum over their coats to lubricate and protect the fur, and remove dirt and parasites.

It can be a very satisfying experience, and it should be rewarded with praise and treats. Start gently and gradually work up to more vigorous handling, focusing on areas of your cat’s body that may be difficult or uncomfortable for them to reach.

Grooming is essential for ensuring your cat’s health and welfare. It can also help reduce dust mites and allergens in your home.


Vaccinations are crucial for the long-term health of your cat. They help protect your cat against certain diseases that they may encounter from the environment, other pets or when they travel.

Depending on your cat’s lifestyle, your vet will recommend which vaccines to give them. They will also take into consideration how often each vaccine is recommended, as well as the laws in your community about having certain vaccinations up to date.

Vaccines are like a test run for your cat’s immune system to recognize the real disease or bacteria that they might come in contact with in the future. Then the immune system can mount a strong defense against it, and prevent your cat from becoming sick.


Cats are very low maintenance pets and tend to sleep a lot, but they also need regular exercise. Getting too sedentary can cause them to develop behavioral issues like destructive behavior or a desire to chew.

Fortunately, you can help your cat get the necessary physical activity they need by playing with them regularly. Experts recommend at least three five-minute sessions of interactive play a day.

If you’re unsure about how much exercise your cat needs, talk with your veterinarian. They can determine their individual needs based on age, current health and weight.
