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Trends in Pet Technology

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Trends in Pet Technology

Pets are often treated as family members and owners invest in their health, fitness, and safety. This has fueled robust growth in online and digitally connected products to ensure pets’ safety, comfort, and well-being.

From self-cleaning litter trays to automated food dispensers, the industry is abuzz with innovation. Here are some of the trends that are driving it.


Just as humans get fancy wearables to keep tabs on their health, pets are getting the same kind of digital tech. Several companies have created devices that let pet owners check in with their pets from the comfort of their homes.

These pet-monitoring systems use GPS, movement sensors, accelerometer sensors, built-in cameras, and microphones to monitor the health of their pets. The data produced allows the owners to track their pets’ daily activities, check heart and respiratory rates, monitor rest patterns, and even track calorie burn.

Many of these devices are designed to help with training and behavior management or are used for medical monitoring of chronic conditions. For example, the Animoscope app puts veterinary animal health support at the fingertips of owners, allowing them to receive expert advice from veterinarians for a small monthly subscription fee.

Another trend is pet-activated video calls and remote pet interaction tools. For instance, the Petzi pet camera and treat dispenser lets dog and cat owners interact with their pets remotely using a webcam and an attached treat dispenser.

According to research, the global pet wearables market is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. Factors such as increasing pet humanization, rise in demand for pet care products and increased expenditure on pets are anticipated to drive the growth of this market.

Smart Gadgets

pet gadgets

The same technology that makes smart cars and homes possible is transforming pets’ lives too. Startups and IT companies are developing pet gadgets to keep track of our furry family members’ health and well-being.

The market for pet tracking devices is expected to grow significantly. The growing concern of pet owners for their pets’ safety and well-being is driving the industry, creating a new category of smart gadgets. These include pet-friendly tracking devices, monitoring sensors, and other connected products that help pet owners monitor their pet’s activities and health.

For example, Dearbuds PE, a digital healthcare device from tech company Linkface, monitors the ear humidity of dogs and cats to prevent infection and irritation. It can also alert pet owners if the pet is unwell. Another example is a GPS tracker that lets pet owners keep an eye on their dogs or cats. The Get Findster tracker, for example, has a simple app user interface and zero monthly costs, making it popular with dog or cat owners.

While many of these smart gadgets make caring for pets easier, they shouldn’t be used to replace human interaction. As Sage Singleton writes in her article, Is your pet’s technology helping or hurting it? relying too much on devices can lead to boredom, separation anxiety, and loneliness. While using these devices can provide entertainment, pet experts advise playing with your pet in person to strengthen the bond between you.

Entry/Security Devices

Just like human fitness trackers, pet tracking devices help pet owners monitor their pet’s activity and health data. Many of these devices also allow the owner to set safety alerts in case the pet leaves a designated zone, such as their home.

Another popular device is the smart collar, which uses GPS technology to monitor a pet’s location. This device is especially helpful in reuniting pets with their owners after they’ve been lost. Some devices even feature noseprint recognition – which isn’t quite available yet but could potentially revolutionize how pets are reunited with their families after they go missing.

Other pet tech gadgets include camera-based feeding systems and remote interaction/enrichment tools. For example, Petzi has combined a webcam with a treat dispenser that allows pet owners to feed their pets remotely or interact with them.

As the demand for pet tech gadgets continues to grow, companies will continue to create more sophisticated products that offer a range of benefits. This includes more advanced wearables with GPS features to help find lost pets as well as monitoring systems to help ensure that your pet gets the best nutrition possible. With more people spending time away from their pets, these new tech gadgets can help keep them healthy and safe.

Remote Pet Interaction or Enrichment Tools

pet gadget

The pet tech industry is expanding and showing signs of growth, allowing owners to connect with their pets in more ways than ever before. From wearables to entry/security devices to remote pet interaction or enrichment tools, the industry enables a range of next-generation pet-centric solutions.

For example, intelligent dog collars like the Halo Collar allow owners to monitor their pet’s health and track and locate the animal if it escapes the home or is lost. They also offer features like tone or vibration correction to correct bad behaviors and instant commands to reward good behavior. The industry is also responding to the problem of stray animals that cause environmental and public health issues by utilizing microchips, which can be used to identify and reunite pets with their owners. This is especially helpful in countries where stray animal populations are large.

Other pet-focused products are improving the quality of life for pets by helping them stay happy and healthy, even when their owners can’t be there. Smart food dispensers allow pet owners to set a schedule for their pets to eat, and some models have cameras that dispense treats or shine a laser light to keep dogs occupied remotely.

Another example is the CleverPet device, which allows owners to play interactive games with their pets remotely. The pre-loaded programs and games were designed by “dog-loving neuroscientists” to stimulate the dog’s brain and help prevent boredom.