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Engaging Activities to Enjoy with Your Dog

Engaging Activities to Enjoy with Your Dog

Dogs are not just pets; they are loyal companions and beloved family members. Engaging in activities with your dog not only strengthens your bond but also ensures that your furry friend remains healthy and happy. Whether you have a high-energy breed or a more laid-back pooch, there are countless ways to enjoy time together. Here are some diverse and enjoyable activities you can do with your dog.

  1. Daily Walks

Walking is one of the simplest yet most beneficial activities for dogs. It provides exercise, mental stimulation, and an opportunity to explore new scents and sights. Daily walks help maintain your dog’s physical health, reduce behavioral problems, and strengthen your bond. Vary your routes to keep the experience fresh and exciting for your pet.

  1. Hiking Adventures

For dogs that love the outdoors, hiking can be an exhilarating activity. Trails offer varied terrain that can challenge your dog physically and mentally. Before heading out, ensure the trail is dog-friendly and check the weather. Pack essentials like water, a collapsible bowl, and waste bags. Remember, safety first – keep your dog on a leash if the area is unfamiliar or if there’s wildlife around.

  1. Playing Fetch

Fetch is a classic game that most dogs adore. Whether you’re in a park or your backyard, a simple game of fetch can provide immense joy and exercise for your dog. Use a ball, frisbee, or a favorite toy. For high-energy breeds, this activity helps burn off excess energy and can be a great way to practice obedience commands like “sit” and “stay.”

  1. Agility Training

Agility training involves navigating an obstacle course that includes tunnels, jumps, weave poles, and more. This activity is excellent for energetic and intelligent dogs, offering physical exercise and mental stimulation. Many local parks or dog training centers have agility equipment, or you can set up a simple course in your backyard. Agility training not only keeps your dog fit but also builds confidence and strengthens your bond through teamwork.

  1. Swimming

Many dogs love to swim, and it’s a fantastic low-impact exercise, especially for dogs with joint issues. Whether at a dog-friendly beach, lake, or pool, swimming can help your dog stay cool and fit. Always supervise your dog around water, ensure they can safely enter and exit, and be mindful of currents or deep water if your dog is not a strong swimmer.

  1. Dog Parks

Visiting a dog park allows your dog to socialize with other dogs and engage in off-leash play. It’s a great way for them to burn energy, learn social skills, and have fun. Make sure your dog is well-behaved and comfortable around other dogs before visiting. Also, adhere to park rules and keep an eye on your dog to prevent any aggressive behavior or rough play.

  1. Obedience Training

Training sessions are a great way to engage with your dog and improve their behavior. Basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “leave it” are essential for safety and good manners. Positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, can make training a fun and rewarding experience for both of you. Advanced training can include tricks and more complex commands, providing ongoing mental stimulation for your dog.

  1. Canine Sports

If your dog enjoys structured activities, consider participating in canine sports like flyball, dock diving, or disc dog. These sports offer high-energy fun and a sense of accomplishment. Many communities have clubs or organizations that host events and competitions. Canine sports not only provide physical exercise but also foster a sense of teamwork and communication between you and your dog.

  1. Scent Work

Dogs have an incredible sense of smell, and scent work taps into this natural ability. Activities like hide and seek or nose work can be done at home with minimal equipment. Start by hiding treats or toys and encouraging your dog to find them. This activity provides mental stimulation and can be particularly rewarding for breeds with a strong sense of smell, like Beagles or Bloodhounds.

  1. Interactive Toys and Puzzles

Interactive toys and puzzles can keep your dog entertained and mentally engaged, especially when you’re busy or away. Toys like treat-dispensing balls, puzzle feeders, and interactive plush toys challenge your dog to think and solve problems to get a reward. These toys can help alleviate boredom and prevent destructive behaviors.

  1. Dog-Friendly Events and Outings

Many communities host dog-friendly events such as pet fairs, dog parades, or “yappy hours.” These events are great opportunities for socialization and can be a fun outing for both you and your dog. Additionally, many cafes and restaurants offer dog-friendly patios, allowing you to enjoy a meal together.

  1. Camping Trips

Camping can be a wonderful way to spend quality time with your dog in nature. Ensure the campsite is dog-friendly and pack essentials like food, water, a bed, and a leash. Enjoy hiking, swimming, and exploring the great outdoors together. Camping allows for uninterrupted bonding time and creates lasting memories.

  1. Grooming Sessions

While grooming might not seem like an activity, it’s an excellent way to bond with your dog. Regular brushing, bathing, and nail trimming keep your dog looking and feeling good. Make grooming a positive experience by rewarding your dog with treats and praise. This routine can also help you check for any health issues like skin problems or parasites.

  1. Therapeutic Activities

Some dogs, especially those with anxiety or mobility issues, benefit from therapeutic activities like massage, acupuncture, or hydrotherapy. These activities can improve your dog’s physical and mental well-being. Consult with your veterinarian to find appropriate therapies for your dog’s specific needs.

  1. Volunteering Together

Many organizations welcome volunteer dogs for activities like visiting nursing homes, hospitals, or schools. If your dog has a calm and friendly temperament, they might be a good candidate for therapy dog work. Volunteering together can be incredibly rewarding and provides social interaction and mental stimulation for your dog.


Spending quality time with your dog through various activities enriches both your lives. From daily walks to specialized sports, each activity offers unique benefits that cater to different aspects of your dog’s physical and mental health. The key is to find activities that suit your dog’s personality and energy level. Engaging in these activities strengthens your bond, keeps your dog happy and healthy, and creates wonderful memories that will last a lifetime. So, grab your leash, pack some treats, and start exploring the world with your furry friend!

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The Science Behind Why Your Dog Keeps Barking and How to Stop It

The Science Behind Why Your Dog Keeps Barking and How to Stop It

Dogs are one of the most beloved pets in the world and their barks are a source of joy and entertainment for us. But why do dogs bark? And what does it mean when they do? In this article, we will explore the various reasons why dogs bark and how we can interpret their barks. We will also discuss some common use cases of barking, such as warning signals, communication with other animals, or simply expressing excitement or frustration. Finally, we will look at how to train your dog to bark less if you feel they are barking too much.

The Different Types of Dog Barks & What They are Trying to Communicate

Dogs are known for their ability to communicate with us through barks. But did you know that dogs have a variety of different barks? Each bark has a distinct sound and can be used to convey different messages. In this article, we will explore the different types of dog barks and what they are trying to communicate. We will look at how dogs use these sounds to express themselves, alert us of danger, and even just show their excitement. By understanding the various types of barks, we can better understand our furry friends and build stronger relationships with them.

Some of your dog's barking may be due to a medical problem or mental condition that needs treatment from an animal behaviorist. This could include bee stings, brain disease or ongoing pain from arthritis, for example.

This type of barking can be a sign that your pet isn't getting enough stimulation or exercise. Try to take your dog for a walk at least once every morning and make sure they've got an entertaining toy to play with or food to occupy them while you're gone.

Your dog may also be barking because they're frustrated or angry about something that's going on in their life, such as a new house move or an unexpected visitor. If this is the case, it's best to focus on teaching them alternative behaviors that they can use to show you they're happy and not upset.

dog bark

Greeting Barking

If your dog barks when you arrive home, when you open the door to greet someone or when you leave, this is likely a welcome-to-the-house bark. If you can't figure out why this is happening, it might be a sign that your dog is nervous about coming into your home or being around people.

When this type of barking is accompanied by whining, tail wagging and other signs of friendliness, it's more likely that your dog is barking to say hello. This can be treated by teaching your dog alternative behaviors such as lying on a mat or inside a kennel when visitors enter your home.

Having your dog spayed or neutered will reduce territorial, protection and alarm-based barking because it decreases their motivation to protect their territory and defend their family members. You can also help curb this behavior by limiting what your dog can see, particularly when it's in the backyard or other areas where they may not be comfortable, such as near the front door.

Rapid-fire Full-Volume Barks

When your dog barks fast and loud, it usually means they're very excited about what they hear or see, so you should take a moment to assess what's causing them to bark so you can manage the situation. They might be spooked or anxious, which can lead to aggressive behaviors and even dangerous situations, so it's important to work with a dog trainer to get the right help.

The pitch and number of barks in a row are also factors that can change the meaning of a bark. A dog that is enjoying playtime will have a higher-pitched bark than one that's warning off a burglar or disciplining a bad companion.

Analyzing the Reasons Behind Excessive Barking in Dogs & How to Stop It

There are a number of reasons why dogs might be barking excessively, including anxiety, boredom, and attention seeking. Taking some time to learn about these causes will allow you to better understand your dog's behavior and help you find the best ways to address it.

Anxiety: Many dogs bark when they are anxious or fearful. This is a common condition that can be controlled by teaching your dog positive reinforcement for good behavior.

Boredom: If your dog hasn't had an opportunity to socialize or exercise enough in their young lives, they might be barking out of boredom. Providing your dog with plenty of exercise and brain-teasing puzzle toys can help keep them entertained and stimulated.

Greeting/Play: When your dog sees you or other animals, they might bark to let you know that they are happy and excited. This type of barking is typically accompanied by tail wags and jumping up.

Territory: If your dog is territorial, they may bark when people or animals enter their territory. This type of barking can be addressed by limiting your pet's access to certain areas, such as your living room window or garden.

Pain: If your dog is in pain, they will bark a wide range of sounds. This is called "redirected aggression," and it should be addressed by a veterinarian immediately.

Territorial/Protective: This is a very common reason for barking and can be discouraged by restricting your dog's view of the area that they are barking at. Depending on the situation, you might consider covering windows or doors, erecting fences with solid wood instead of chain fencing or putting up a screen on a porch or patio.

It is also a good idea to bring your dog into the house when they are barking so that you can take some time to discuss what's going on with them and try to figure out why they are barking.

Training: If your dog is barking at a specific trigger, such as a doorbell or a telephone, you can train them to ignore it by using positive reinforcement. Start with the object that is triggering them to bark at a distance and then gradually move it closer so they don't bark as they hear it.

Using the "quiet" command to interrupt their barking is a great way to teach them that being quiet gets them a reward, such as a treat or fresh puzzle toy. Once your dog is consistently offering "quiet" when you use the word, slowly phase out the interruption tool to let them focus on their behavior.

Other methods to stop your dog's excessive barking include teaching them to stay calm and quiet when they are outdoors, avoiding rewarding them for the noise they are making outside, and giving them mental stimulation through exercise, brain-teasing toys, and walks.

Practical Tips & Techniques To Manage Your Dog's Barking Behavior

If your dog's barking is getting out of hand, there are a few practical tips and techniques you can use to help manage their behavior. From understanding why your dog barks and how to effectively communicate with them, to teaching them the appropriate response when they bark, these tips can help you become a better pet owner. With these strategies in place, you'll be able to reduce your pet's barking and create a more peaceful environment for everyone.

1. Block Noise

Barking is a natural behavior for dogs, but it can become a problem when they bark excessively. If you're constantly hearing high-frequency barking, it can disrupt your sleep and cause frustration.

Fortunately, there are many practical tips and techniques to help manage your dog's barking behavior. These include: 

One effective way to reduce your dog's barking is to block their ability to hear outside sounds. This can be done by covering windows, playing background music or by changing the sound of your doorbell ring.

Another helpful technique is to use a spray-based glass coating that blocks your dog's view of outside areas they guard from inside the house. This will keep them from thinking it's a good idea to defend their territory.

To curb the barking, train your dog to ignore the outside sound, and reward them with a treat or puzzle toy when they are quiet. This is called "counter-training."

2. Reward Quietness

One of the most effective ways to reduce nuisance barking is to reward quietness. This can be done by using a verbal cue such as "quiet," followed by treats.

Start by rewarding a brief period of quietness, then gradually increase the length of time until you are rewarding longer periods. It is important to reward your dog consistently, so repeat this training daily for two to three sessions a day.

Once your dog learns that the quiet behavior earns a treat, they will begin to associate quietness with positive reinforcement.

Often, the reason your dog is barking excessively is because they feel unappreciated or are bored. Providing your dog with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation can help to ease their stress levels, which will in turn lead to less barking.

It is also helpful to try blocking access to a variety of noise-producing stimuli. For example, if your dog barks when someone rings the doorbell, block access to that sound by having an assistant walk the dog out of the way.

3. Block Access to Favorite Toys

Keeping your favorite toy hidden from the dog's reach is a good way to encourage quiet behavior. You can make this a game by giving your pet a treat for being good while he's locked in his crate or gated room.

The best part about this strategy is that it may be less expensive than you think. For example, a simple treat dispensing toy is a far more cost effective option than the pricier stuffed animal.

As an added bonus, you may even end up with a dog that's less interested in barking all the time. To help with this, consider setting aside some of your pet's favorite toys for special occasions, such as a day off or when you have guests over. This will help prevent your dog from reverting to his old habits. The most important factor is to make sure your dog doesn't find himself tempted to play with his toys at the wrong time.


4. Reward Good Behavior

Using positive reinforcement, such as giving your dog attention or a treat when they do something you want them to do, can help shape desirable behavior. Negative punishment, on the other hand, can backfire.

If your dog barks at people or animals passing by the living room window, for example, draw curtains or keep the windows closed. This will reduce the amount of stimuli that set your dog off and can even discourage them from barking altogether.

Teaching your dog to ring a bell when they need to go outside can also discourage them from barking excessively. Start by ringing it when they are calm and quiet, then gradually increase the time they must stay quiet before being rewarded.

Another way to reward good behavior is to give your dog a sticker or star every time they do something that you want them to do. These can be things such as playing with you or being extra nice to the kids before bedtime.




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Signs to Never Ignore Pet Dog Sickness

Signs to Never Ignore Pet Dog Sickness

Having a pet dog is a great thing, but when the pet dog is showing signs of sickness, it is important to take the necessary steps to ensure that the dog is safe. There are several signs to look out for that may indicate a pet dog has a health problem. These include: Excessive panting, blood in the dog's excrement, loss of appetite, clinginess, and excessive vomiting. If you see any of these signs in your dog, you should take action immediately.


Depending on your dog's age, health status, and temperament, your dog may be a clingy juggernaut. Clingy dogs may show signs of distress if left alone or left in a single room. Some dogs may become overly dependent on their owners and show more aggression than they should.

The most important part of the equation is knowing how to identify and treat the cause of the clingy dog. Aside from seeing the vet, there are several measures you can take to improve your pet's well being. You can use the power of suggestion to determine what your dog needs and encourage it to ask for what it wants. In addition to your dog's food and water intake, you can also take advantage of interactive toys to keep it entertaining and mentally stimulated.

Blood in their excrement

Having blood in pet dog excrement is a serious health symptom that can indicate various problems. Bloody poop can be caused by a number of reasons, including kidney disease, anal gland infections, digestive upset, and even toxins. Some of these problems are treatable with early diagnosis, while others require supportive care in a hospital.

If you see blood in your pet's poop, it is important to take it to a veterinarian right away. If the blood is bright red, it may be caused by Hematochezia, which originates in the rectum. If the blood is black, it may be melee, which originates in the upper part of the digestive tract.

Hematochezia is caused by a number of things, including changes in your dog's diet, allergies, or even injuries to the rectum. It is often treated by administering medication or IV fluids.

Loss of appetite

Often, the best way to know if your dog is sick is to observe his or her behavior. If your dog does not want to eat, you will want to take him or her to the veterinarian as soon as possible. The veterinarian will examine your dog and help you decide what is causing the lack of appetite.

The most common reason for a dog's lack of appetite is illness. Depending on the severity of the problem, your dog's veterinarian may recommend a variety of treatments, including oral medications, surgery, and dental procedures.

Usually, a dog's appetite will return to normal within 24 hours. However, if your dog's appetite has been reduced for more than a day, it is time to visit the veterinarian.


dog panting

Whenever you see vomiting of pet dog in your dog, you should call a vet right away. It may be a sign of a serious medical problem. Symptoms include lethargy, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Acute vomiting is a sudden or severe bout of vomiting. It is a common symptom of many diseases. It is also a sign that your pet's body is battling an infection. You should take your dog to a veterinarian if you see this symptom more than two to three days in a row.

Dogs have stomachs that are designed to be sensitive, meaning that it may be difficult to eat human foods without causing digestive upset. In addition, some human foods have harmful components that are unsafe for your pet.

Excessive panting

Whether your pet is suffering from pain or is experiencing an unusual level of excitement, you should never ignore excessive panting. It is a sign that something more serious may be going on.

Excessive panting in dogs can be caused by several diseases. If you are worried, see a veterinarian immediately. This will allow a faster diagnosis, and therefore a more effective treatment. The veterinarian can also rule out other disorders, such as Cushing's disease, which can cause your dog to pant heavily.

Cushing's disease is a condition in which the dog's adrenal glands to produce too much cortisol, which affects the dog's metabolism. In some dogs, this condition is life-threatening.

Excessive panting in your dog can be a symptom of Cushing's Disease, which is a condition that can affect dogs of all ages. The condition causes your dog to gain weight in the belly and can also cause hair to thin.

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Bloat Causes and Prevention in Dogs

Bloat Causes and Prevention in Dogs
Bloat is a condition large breed dogs can succumb to, and it is a dilation and torsion (twisting) of the stomach. It develops very quickly, and it's often accompanied by a gas build-up and ultimately a painful death within a matter of hours for the dog.

If noticed early, the dog tries to retch or vomit and produces a frothy type of liquid. They are in obvious discomfort with a distended rigid stomach. They can appear hunched over, and the breathing is rapid and shallow. What kills the dog is excessive pressure from the bloated stomach pushing back up against the diaphragm, causing stress on the heart. The dogs' heart goes into fibrillation, and they die quickly.

Feeding (or excessive drinking) immediately after exercise appears to be the main reason dogs suffer from bloat as their stomachs are still moving and their breathing is labored. In addition, with the gut full of food or water, the wall of the stomach or intestines is more susceptible to twisting.

Bloat can occur at any age, but it is rarely seen in very young pups, so the older the canine, the more likely it suffers and have a worse prognosis.

Dogs with deep chests appear to be more likely to suffer, especially Great Danes, German Shepherds, Irish Wolf Hounds, Red Setters, and other large breeds.

Bloat is more prevalent in the warmer months, especially after sudden temperature changes.

Elevate feed bowl, i.e., place bowl in a top bucket or similar to ensure the dog is not bending over to eat. Ensure dry food is mixed with water, and it can also be partially soaked before feeding.

Do not exercise at all one hour or after a meal. Once they have eaten, do not allow exercise or play and ensure they are kept quiet for at least an hour after consuming food and excessive drinking.

If in any doubt about your dogs' health, take it straight to a vet to check. Continue reading

What are the best beds for dogs?

What are the best beds for dogs?

There is nothing more rewarding than getting a new addition to your family and one of the best things you can do for them is to get the best beds for dogs so they can have a great night's sleep. As with humans dogs need a comfortable place to sleep. A poorly chosen bed will result in discomfort for your dog and an unhappy and cramped night. 

The ideal dog bed should be four feet long, with one foot that is at least ten inches tall. You should be able to lay the bed on its side and not worry if it sinks because most are made from waterproof materials. A heavy pet bed will cause sagging over time. If you can't find a heavy duty dog bed you should purchase one made of fabric because it will hold up much better.

dog bed

You can choose from memory foam, latex, soft plastic, and different types of springs. All are very comfortable and provide excellent support for your dog. To make sure you are getting the best beds for dogs you should try different ones and then decide which one you like the best. If you are getting a sleeping area for your pooch, you should take the measurements so you know the dimensions before you buy anything. If you don't take the measurements you may end up paying too much for something you don't really need. 

Many people are looking for the best dog beds for dogs because their pets are becoming older and need more attention. Some dogs suffer from arthritis and need to have extra support. Others just have a bad sleeping habit and like the idea of sleeping on the floor or on their tummy. No matter what the reason for your pet having an uncomfortable night you should look at the different types and find the one that suits them best. 

dog bed, pet bed

Certain breeds of dogs have hips and joints that are specially susceptible to wear and tear. Others may be prone to hip dysplasia, which is a condition where the hips do not develop correctly. Regardless, of the cause of the dog's pain some of them have problems sleeping well. The reason for this is because their hips and joints are rubbing on each other. 

There are specially made dog beds for small dogs as well as beds for large dogs. These are specially designed to be larger and thus give the pooch more sleeping area to stretch out. There are also orthopedic dog beds for pets who are heavy sleepers. There are also memory foam and latex foam dog beds that your pooch will love. There are many styles to choose from and each one is built to give your pet the extra comfort they need when they are sleeping.

dog, dog bed, pet bed

Visit Paws and Me to Buy Beds for Pets Online.

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What Are the Cutest Dog Breeds?

What Are the Cutest Dog Breeds?

There are a lot of great-looking dogs on the planet right now. They have distinct traits that can make them adorable. But if you're looking for a new addition to your family there are a lot of cute dog breeds to consider including Portuguese Water Dogs, Yorkshire Terriers, Poodles, Maltese, Pomeranians, Golden Retrievers, Abyssins, Dalmatians, Beagles, and more. This article will discuss some of the cutest dog breeds around today and I will tell you why each one is so unique and interesting. 

Portuguese Water Dogs - These are small breeds that are very loving and affectionate. They are good-natured and very intelligent, and are known as the dog of choice in Europe. You'll love how they look in a little tank or tub. They also make great pets and are great for those who like to have a companion that is quiet and stays quiet. 

Yorkshire Terrier - These are great family dogs and make great watchdogs. You should be careful not to get too big for a Yorkshire, but because of their great looks you will probably want to anyway. They are small and adorable and very energetic. Because they are small though they also don't like being handled too much, but that shouldn't stop you from getting one! 

Poodle - This breed originated in Germany, and they are in the Poodle category of dogs. They have long, flowing coats that add to their charm. Poodles also have a very friendly temperament, making them ideal for families with children. Their small size makes them great for apartment life, because they don't need a yard to roam around in. Poodles also like company and will often lie down and sleep with you. They have great eyesight and are quite intelligent, making them entertaining for families with young children. 

Beagle - These breeds look a lot like pointers and come in a variety of colors including white, black, and blue. Their intelligence and playful nature make them good companions for children. They are also very affectionate and can become destructive when they are bored. Because they are so cute though, a Beagle is usually raised by his or her parents. 

Jack Russell - These dogs were originally bred to run fast and heavy, but now they are considered graceful. They have a long, sturdy body structure with a short, square head. They are very affectionate and a good choice for families with children. They don't shed as much as other breeds, and although they can be somewhat sensitive, they are not destructive. They do make great watchdogs though.

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Do humans love dogs more than people?

Do humans love dogs more than people?

Can you imagine a world where dogs are considered second-class citizens, as opposed to humans? The following paragraphs may seem like they are coming from a lunatic fringe rather than an intelligent, well-rounded perspective. Still, many dog owners will tell you that dogs have a much stronger sense of loyalty and honor than many of the assumptions about them that we have. As humans, we make many mistakes when it comes to our emotions and feelings, and in many ways, these little mistakes lead to very big problems.

One of the benefits of being a dog owner is that dogs have their personalities and, when they are released from their controlled environment, they can show these traits without any fear of rejection. This allows humans to recognize certain characteristics in a person that would be considered as unacceptable such as anger, jealousy, and possessiveness.

Besides, dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years, and they show no desire to revert to their primitive roots. They have a strong sense of family and loyalty. As shown through the millions of dog breeds available to consumers today, they are wonderfully adaptable to human life and the unique set of circumstances that we find ourselves in. This means that if you want a dog who will love you unconditionally and show you, unconditional love, you need to take responsibility for your actions, not just as a puppy or a dog in training, but as a fully grown adult dog. Dogs treated with respect and who understand that their place in the family is to be the primary caregiver are happier, healthier dogs, and human mates would do better with dogs of other breeds.

One of the things that make dogs so endearing to people is that, for the most part, they are extremely friendly and gentle. While they may not always take to being petted on the neck and around the head as much as they would like to, it is still their nature to want to be loved in this way. This is very true of large breed dogs who have struggled with too many dogs being too friendly. When a dog is constantly being told that he is too nice, it can lead to anxiety, aggression, and other behavior problems.

Another reason dogs seem to enjoy human attention more than people is that they like to please people. They love to learn tricks. They love to play games. They enjoy being pampered. All of these things are ways in which humans show dogs that they love them and that they are desirable as a pet. They also help the dog feel confident that he is better than other dogs and more pleasing to be around.
A dog does not understand the concept of love in the same way that we do. Because dogs have not been able to experience love in the same ways that we do, they often go about love relationships in the wrong ways. While they can show excessive affection to their owners, they often fail to show any affection to others, especially when those others are human.

While a dog might greet a person with excitement, it might also greet that person by sniffing the person and then licking his hands. This shows that the dog thinks that this person is a threat and that he needs to control that person because he does not want the person to get too close to him. In this way, the dog has not learned how to love properly and feels threatened by human contact. This is just an example of how a dog can display unbridled aggression when human contact is not desired.

It seems to make sense then that a dog might be more fearful of a human than of other dogs. When a dog is confronted with another dog on a walk, it is more likely to run away than to fight. While many people are quick to blame domestic dogs for aggressive tendencies, in reality, they are responding to the stresses and anxiety that come with living in a society where people are consistently around other people. Humans provide the stresses and anxiety that dogs need in order to survive. This is why dogs are often more aggressive than other dogs in a friendly setting such as a home.

So how can we know whether or not a dog feels threatened by other humans? One of the best ways to find out is by looking at how the dog acts when introduced to another dog or person. If a dog is uncomfortable with another person, it will usually walk away from that person. On the other hand, if the dog approaches the person or other dog, it will often wag its tail, show excitement, and follow the person without hesitation. Dogs seem to love to be around humans and enjoy spending time with them. In this environment, a dog can learn how to show love to humans and therefore answer the question, "do humans love dogs more than people?"

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Are dogs color blind?

Are dogs color blind?

Have you ever wondered if our dogs are color blind? Do they only see red, orange, or yellow? Or, are all dogs color blind? Well, the answer is a bit complicated. 

See, humans can only see three, orange, and yellow. And, these three colors can be combined in many ways to create an array of four or more. That's why we can have red, black, white, and blue all in one setting. That's why we can have all different types of these colors in one setting too. So, do dogs have these same types of color vision? 

Well, it's a bit complicated but not really. What we do know is that dogs have three types of color centers. These centers are red, yellow, and green. There are also small cones that are found within each of these colors which are responsible for causing color perception. 

Now, if a human has all four cones working at their optimal level, then he or she will see everything within the spectrum of the visible light spectrum. A normal human being will have some shades of green and some red. So, is there a way that a dog can have all of these colors at their optimal levels? Well, there is, and it comes in the form of dog toys. 

All dogs have three types of cone cells working for them. However, humans can improve their cone perception by using special lenses. So, humans can enhance their sight just like any other animal can. Canine toys help dogs to get used to seeing in all of the colors that are available to them. 

Special yellow and green grass disks are designed for use with dog agility competitions. These discs change from one color to another as the dog runs, jumps and completes his course. Then, there are also disk designs in various other colors. Just try to look around and you will find many different colors for your dog's discs. 

The other way that dogs can improve their vision is by using special sights and lights that attach to their lead ropes. Humans have two types of cones and these are called red and green cones. A human can enhance these two cone types by turning his or her head toward the sun. 

So, what do you think about dogs that are not able to see well because their eyes aren't able to distinguish between red or green? Do you think that they might need some sort of treatment, and if so, what should it be? Do you think that training your dog to recognize different colors is important? There are eye chart kits available that teach dogs how to spot colored dots on the eye chart, so you may want to consider this as an option. 

One problem with dogs that have trouble seeing colors is that, in many cases, their visual system is designed to ignore color. In other words, it doesn't have the circuitry in it to distinguish between red and green and so it totally ignore the color. What's interesting about this is that it applies even when dogs are exposed to artificial colors. The reason is that humans have a series of neurons in their visual system that fire off color images when they encounter something that is different than the norm. 

Interestingly, dogs see all kinds of colors. When we turn our backs on them, they can't sense anything at all. However, most of them do recognize yellow, red and orange. These are basically all the colors that our eyes can recognize. If we expose them to these colors for a little bit, they do respond, but it's only for a short time. 

Another example is that most dogs can't tell bright red from a yellow toy. This makes sense since dogs have no sense of color intensity, at least in their visual sense. This means that if you put a bright red toy in front of them, and they look at it for a few moments, they will get the idea that it's a toy. If you throw in yellow, they won't take it in their mouths. 

As you can see, color perception in dogs is more complicated than it seems. We think that they use the same kind of color range that humans do, but that's not necessarily true. In actuality, most dogs have a very limited color range that they can work with. To really understand how they work, you might want to consider taking an agility course that includes training your dog to be an obedience dog or working on a toy fence with your dog.

If you need dog supplies just visit us at Paws and Me.

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Dog's Love

Dog's Love

When we think of love, a common image that comes to mind is many people surrounding a small puppy with their arms wrapped around its body and the puppy licking its owner's face. While this imagery describes a fairly common scene, loving your dog is much more than a matter of affection. It is responsible for providing your dog with love and care that will develop into a positive relationship between dog and owner.

Unfortunately, not all dogs view the world the same way as we do. Some dogs need extra attention to ensure that they are well cared for.
To properly care for your dog and develop a loving relationship with it, you must understand your dog's physiological needs. Dogs require physical activities to stay healthy and happy. You should provide your dog with playtime, clean food, and water regularly. Doing so will keep your dog fit and strong and will prevent diseases from plaguing your dog's body.

Another important factor to consider when caring for your dog is its psychological needs. Your dog sees its owner as a source of comfort and security. The first thing you should do when training your dog is to set up an environment where it feels safe and loved. One excellent place to start is by providing it with its own play area where it can play and run around with other dogs. Ensure that there is plenty of room for your dog to run around, but keep in mind that your dog needs to have enough space to play because when it's playing, it will be thinking, and what it needs is a quiet place to rest. A large amount of space will also discourage large, destructive dogs from jumping up on your guests or owners.

Providing your dog with exercise will help him or her live a longer life and maintain healthy body weight. Playing in the sand, running around in the neighborhood, or taking walks are all excellent exercise forms for dogs. Exercise also helps burn off excess calories, which leads to weight loss. The more your dog has exercised, the happier and healthier he or she will be. This also contributes to the well-being of your dog's mind, body, and soul.

A dog's love for their owner is expressed in many ways, including sleeping on the owner's bed, eating meals out of the meal plate, grooming their owner, playing with the dog, and sleeping in bed next to their owners. A dog that is well cared for will have these behaviors. A healthy and emotionally fit dog will display these same emotions in his or her body as well.

There is a specific type of dog known as a social dog, which was bred specifically for the purpose of companionship. Social dogs crave their human companions' companions and will go out of their way to establish a relationship with their owners. This means that a dog's love towards you is not purebred, but it comes from the mutual care you provide for each other. If you are not a very close friend of your dog, there are still ways that you can show your dog your love. One of the best ways is to play with him or her and spend time together.

As stated before, dogs are used to human companionship, which is why it is important to make a significant other feel needed when they enter the relationship. A dog's love towards their owner comes from how much the owner needs them. Establishing this need to your dog will result in the best outcome for the two of you.
Lastly, dogs are social animals. They will follow their owners around, be curious about their surroundings, and look to find food, affection, or attention. A dog that has fulfilled its natural instinct to serve humans will look to them for company and be happy to please them. If a dog loves its master, it will be content no matter what by its side because it knows that its duty is done.


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A Gift Basket For Man's Best Friend

A Gift Basket For Man's Best Friend

It seems like you've given almost everyone a gift, how about giving your best friend a present, too? How about blessing someone's pet dog a gift basket. Unsure on how to go about the putting together of one dog gift basket for your dog-lover pal? Here are a few simple tips that won't cost you much:

A perfect dog gift basket for your friend's dog?
You never go wrong with a spa gift basket that will surely help your buddy pamper his or her pet. Aside from the thoughtfulness of caring for your friend's best pet pal, a lovely smelling dog is a plus, too. Here's how to create that worthy dog gift basket: Select good quality dog grooming goods. Try to look for products with labels that indicate the ingredients. Products with the owner's favorite scents should also be considered. A lovely dog shampoo and conditioner, a complementing pet perfume, a dog hairbrush, or detangler can be a good selection, too, especially if the dog is a long-haired one. A balm for the dog's paw pads, an ear cleaner, a nail clipper, and other pet care products can be excellent gifts to fill your dog gift basket.

You can choose a basket or container for the products; flea markets or garage sales can be the right places to see when you're searching for rustic baskets or boxes to place the dog grooming products in it. A waterproof tote will be a good alternative too. Be sure that all the products will fit in well. If get a big basket, including a dog towel to fill out the large basket is one great tip to follow. Shredded paper can be another alternative for filling too.
Add the gift basket for the dog with a toy to play with while enjoying the water. Grooming books can be beneficial to new dog owners. So you might want to include all those items in your basket too.
Cover the gift basket with cellophane. Choose either a clear or tinted cellophane to cover your dog gift basket. It can help to serve as a protection against rain and dust. Don't forget to include a nice-looking card and a big bow. Ribbons can also be used in securing the cellophane wrap.

Other substitutes to the gift basket idea are putting in gifts that will benefit the owner, such as canine calendars, novelty items with a dog theme, e.g., action figures, T-shirts with paw prints, dog magazines, and photo frames. Include more dog toys such as dog bones and chew toys for them will be more than appreciated, too.

If you want the gift items to be more of a surprise, wrap the things with a gift wrap that has a doggie theme. You can also conceal some of the gifts with some shredded paper filling to add more surprise to it.
You can now easily customize a dog gift basket to delight your dog recipient and its owner.

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