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Why People Are More Likely to Have Pets Than Children

Why People Are More Likely to Have Pets Than Children


Have you ever noticed how more people seem to be opting for pets instead of kids these days? It's an interesting shift that's gaining momentum, and it's not just about the cuteness factor. Understanding why this trend is happening can give us a glimpse into how our society and values are evolving. So, let’s dive into why having pets is becoming more popular than having children.

The Rise in Pet Ownership

Pet ownership is on the rise. Did you know that in the United States alone, about 70% of households own a pet? That’s a staggering number! Dogs and cats lead the pack, but smaller pets like hamsters, birds, and even reptiles are finding their way into homes. This surge isn’t just a local phenomenon; it’s happening globally.

Societal Changes and Lifestyle Preferences

Our lifestyles and values are changing. People today value flexibility and freedom more than ever before. With a pet, you get companionship without the long-term commitments and responsibilities that come with raising a child. It’s easier to travel, switch careers, or move cities when you only need to consider your pet’s needs.

Economic Considerations

Let’s talk money. Raising a child can cost upwards of $233,000 from birth to age 18 in the U.S., excluding college costs. In contrast, the lifetime cost of owning a dog ranges from $15,000 to $30,000. Financially, it’s a no-brainer why some might choose pets over children. Pets are simply more affordable, leaving more room for other financial goals and experiences.

Emotional and Psychological Factors

Pets offer incredible emotional support. They’re always there with a wagging tail or a purr, providing unconditional love. For many, this companionship can be deeply fulfilling. Studies have shown that pet owners often experience lower levels of stress and anxiety, which is a huge plus in our fast-paced world.

Work-Life Balance

Modern work culture is demanding. With long hours and constant connectivity, finding a balance can be tough. Pets, especially cats, can be left alone for extended periods, fitting seamlessly into busy schedules. Dogs might require more attention, but doggy daycare and pet sitters offer solutions that don't disrupt work commitments.

Urbanization and Living Arrangements

Raising children in urban environments comes with its own set of challenges. Space is limited, and the cost of living is high. Pets, on the other hand, adapt well to apartment living. A small dog or a cat can thrive in an urban setting where a child might feel cramped and constrained.

Environmental and Ethical Concerns

There’s growing concern about overpopulation and environmental sustainability. Choosing to have fewer children, or none at all, is one way individuals feel they can contribute to reducing their carbon footprint. Ethically, some people also feel that they can offer a better quality of life to pets who might otherwise be in shelters.

Social Acceptance and Support

Societal norms are shifting. It’s becoming more accepted, even celebrated, to choose pets over kids. Social media is filled with pet influencers and communities that offer support and validation for this choice. This growing acceptance makes the decision easier for many.

Technological Influences

Technology is playing a significant role in this trend. From automated pet feeders to health-monitoring apps, technology makes pet ownership more convenient than ever. The digital age has also made adopting pets easier, with numerous online platforms connecting potential pet owners with animals in need.

Health and Well-being

Owning a pet comes with numerous health benefits. Physical activities like walking a dog can improve cardiovascular health. The act of petting a cat can release oxytocin, a hormone that reduces stress. These health perks make pets an attractive option for those looking to improve their well-being.

Pet-Friendly Policies and Infrastructure

Communities are becoming more pet-friendly. Dog parks, pet-friendly cafes, and legislation that supports pet ownership are on the rise. These developments make owning a pet more practical and enjoyable, contributing to the trend of choosing pets over children.

Cultural Influences

Media and culture play a huge role too. Movies, TV shows, and social media often portray pet ownership in a positive light, highlighting the joy and companionship pets bring. This cultural reinforcement helps shape public perception and makes the idea of having pets more appealing.


In summary, the trend of choosing pets over children is influenced by a mix of economic, emotional, social, and practical factors. People are seeking flexibility, emotional fulfillment, and a better work-life balance, and pets fit perfectly into this new lifestyle. As our society continues to evolve, it’s likely that this trend will only grow stronger.


  1. Are pets really cheaper than children? Yes, significantly. Raising a child costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, while the lifetime cost of a pet is much lower, making pets a more affordable option.
  2. Can pets provide the same emotional support as children? Pets offer unconditional love and companionship, which can be deeply fulfilling emotionally. While it's different from having children, many find this support equally valuable.
  3. How does urban living influence the choice between pets and children? Urban environments are often better suited for pets due to space and lifestyle constraints. Children require more space and resources, which can be challenging to provide in a city.
  4. What are the environmental benefits of choosing pets over children? Having fewer children reduces resource consumption and helps in managing overpopulation, contributing to a lower environmental footprint.
  5. How has technology made pet ownership easier? Innovations like automated feeders, health-monitoring apps, and online adoption platforms have simplified pet care, making it more convenient to own pets.
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Engaging Activities to Enjoy with Your Dog

Engaging Activities to Enjoy with Your Dog

Dogs are not just pets; they are loyal companions and beloved family members. Engaging in activities with your dog not only strengthens your bond but also ensures that your furry friend remains healthy and happy. Whether you have a high-energy breed or a more laid-back pooch, there are countless ways to enjoy time together. Here are some diverse and enjoyable activities you can do with your dog.

  1. Daily Walks

Walking is one of the simplest yet most beneficial activities for dogs. It provides exercise, mental stimulation, and an opportunity to explore new scents and sights. Daily walks help maintain your dog’s physical health, reduce behavioral problems, and strengthen your bond. Vary your routes to keep the experience fresh and exciting for your pet.

  1. Hiking Adventures

For dogs that love the outdoors, hiking can be an exhilarating activity. Trails offer varied terrain that can challenge your dog physically and mentally. Before heading out, ensure the trail is dog-friendly and check the weather. Pack essentials like water, a collapsible bowl, and waste bags. Remember, safety first – keep your dog on a leash if the area is unfamiliar or if there’s wildlife around.

  1. Playing Fetch

Fetch is a classic game that most dogs adore. Whether you’re in a park or your backyard, a simple game of fetch can provide immense joy and exercise for your dog. Use a ball, frisbee, or a favorite toy. For high-energy breeds, this activity helps burn off excess energy and can be a great way to practice obedience commands like “sit” and “stay.”

  1. Agility Training

Agility training involves navigating an obstacle course that includes tunnels, jumps, weave poles, and more. This activity is excellent for energetic and intelligent dogs, offering physical exercise and mental stimulation. Many local parks or dog training centers have agility equipment, or you can set up a simple course in your backyard. Agility training not only keeps your dog fit but also builds confidence and strengthens your bond through teamwork.

  1. Swimming

Many dogs love to swim, and it’s a fantastic low-impact exercise, especially for dogs with joint issues. Whether at a dog-friendly beach, lake, or pool, swimming can help your dog stay cool and fit. Always supervise your dog around water, ensure they can safely enter and exit, and be mindful of currents or deep water if your dog is not a strong swimmer.

  1. Dog Parks

Visiting a dog park allows your dog to socialize with other dogs and engage in off-leash play. It’s a great way for them to burn energy, learn social skills, and have fun. Make sure your dog is well-behaved and comfortable around other dogs before visiting. Also, adhere to park rules and keep an eye on your dog to prevent any aggressive behavior or rough play.

  1. Obedience Training

Training sessions are a great way to engage with your dog and improve their behavior. Basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “leave it” are essential for safety and good manners. Positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, can make training a fun and rewarding experience for both of you. Advanced training can include tricks and more complex commands, providing ongoing mental stimulation for your dog.

  1. Canine Sports

If your dog enjoys structured activities, consider participating in canine sports like flyball, dock diving, or disc dog. These sports offer high-energy fun and a sense of accomplishment. Many communities have clubs or organizations that host events and competitions. Canine sports not only provide physical exercise but also foster a sense of teamwork and communication between you and your dog.

  1. Scent Work

Dogs have an incredible sense of smell, and scent work taps into this natural ability. Activities like hide and seek or nose work can be done at home with minimal equipment. Start by hiding treats or toys and encouraging your dog to find them. This activity provides mental stimulation and can be particularly rewarding for breeds with a strong sense of smell, like Beagles or Bloodhounds.

  1. Interactive Toys and Puzzles

Interactive toys and puzzles can keep your dog entertained and mentally engaged, especially when you’re busy or away. Toys like treat-dispensing balls, puzzle feeders, and interactive plush toys challenge your dog to think and solve problems to get a reward. These toys can help alleviate boredom and prevent destructive behaviors.

  1. Dog-Friendly Events and Outings

Many communities host dog-friendly events such as pet fairs, dog parades, or “yappy hours.” These events are great opportunities for socialization and can be a fun outing for both you and your dog. Additionally, many cafes and restaurants offer dog-friendly patios, allowing you to enjoy a meal together.

  1. Camping Trips

Camping can be a wonderful way to spend quality time with your dog in nature. Ensure the campsite is dog-friendly and pack essentials like food, water, a bed, and a leash. Enjoy hiking, swimming, and exploring the great outdoors together. Camping allows for uninterrupted bonding time and creates lasting memories.

  1. Grooming Sessions

While grooming might not seem like an activity, it’s an excellent way to bond with your dog. Regular brushing, bathing, and nail trimming keep your dog looking and feeling good. Make grooming a positive experience by rewarding your dog with treats and praise. This routine can also help you check for any health issues like skin problems or parasites.

  1. Therapeutic Activities

Some dogs, especially those with anxiety or mobility issues, benefit from therapeutic activities like massage, acupuncture, or hydrotherapy. These activities can improve your dog’s physical and mental well-being. Consult with your veterinarian to find appropriate therapies for your dog’s specific needs.

  1. Volunteering Together

Many organizations welcome volunteer dogs for activities like visiting nursing homes, hospitals, or schools. If your dog has a calm and friendly temperament, they might be a good candidate for therapy dog work. Volunteering together can be incredibly rewarding and provides social interaction and mental stimulation for your dog.


Spending quality time with your dog through various activities enriches both your lives. From daily walks to specialized sports, each activity offers unique benefits that cater to different aspects of your dog’s physical and mental health. The key is to find activities that suit your dog’s personality and energy level. Engaging in these activities strengthens your bond, keeps your dog happy and healthy, and creates wonderful memories that will last a lifetime. So, grab your leash, pack some treats, and start exploring the world with your furry friend!

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A Great Place to Shop For Your Cats Supply

A Great Place to Shop For Your Cats Supply

If you're looking for a great place to shop for your cat's supply, you've come to the right place! We've got everything from food and toys to beds and litter boxes. Plus, we have a wide range of prices too!

Litter boxes


Litter boxes for cats come in a variety of shapes, colors, and materials. You want to choose a box that's just right for your cat. Cats are prone to territoriality about their litter box, so a larger one may cause them to feel uncomfortable. Choose a box that's just the right size and height.

Some litter boxes are designed to be self-cleaning. This means that they refresh themselves and refresh their litter. These can be helpful in saving time, but they can also be costly.

For a self-cleaning litter box, you'll need to buy special litter. A variety of litters are available, including corn, lightweight clay, recycled paper, and wheat. It's important to clean a box regularly, especially if your cat changes his or her pooping habits. If you notice a change in your cat's peeing or pooping, it could be a sign of diabetes, kidney disease, or constipation.

If you are looking for a simple litter box that's easy to clean, you might consider a bucket style. This can save space in a small home. The lid on this type of box has grooved ridges to catch litter.

The lid is available in a wide variety of colors. A few different models have a swivel lid for easier access. Others have a sleek design that allows for better privacy.

If your cat has arthritic issues, you might want to pick a box with a low entry/exit side. Also, choose a box that's taller and provides more privacy.


cat tree

The best thing about cats is they aren't shy about stealing your bacon. This is not to say that they won't smack you in the face with their paws. Thankfully, they are smart enough to know better. With some careful planning, you can get back to the good old days, and still have your cats purring around your feet. Having said that, the best way to keep your feline friends entertained is to provide them with the right toys. Those little nuggets of goodness can be found at a price tag that's affordable for your budget. From kitty litter to specialized food and bedding, they have all your bases covered.


cat bed

There are many types of beds for cats to choose from. Each cat has its own preferences. Choosing the right one for your pet will make them feel safe and comfortable. Some cats enjoy sleeping up high while others prefer a mat or bed with open sides.

The best option for your furry friend will depend on your own personal preference and your cat's temperament. If you are looking for something to keep your cat warm, there are heated cat beds available. They are electrically or microwave heated.

While you are at it, you may want to consider an anti-anxiety cat bed. These are designed for small or large cats with anxiety. By providing your feline with a burrowing structure, it can relieve stress and improve comfort.

Whether you are buying a new cat bed or replacing an old one, it's always a good idea to check out the pros and cons of each type. For example, if you have an older cat with arthritis, you may want to get a mattress with padding. Also, look for a bed that has a waterproof covering to avoid any damage.

You'll also want to consider the material used in making the bed. Generally, natural materials are the best. Using a wool or cotton material will be more comfortable for your cat.

As you shop for a cat bed, make sure you choose a quality product that will last a long time. A well-constructed bed will help prevent mold buildup. However, if your cat is prone to allergies, you should avoid beds made from fabric that is itchy.

Litter scoop

If you want to make cleaning your cat's litter box easy and fun, you need to get the right scoop. It's important to choose one that is durable, lightweight, and easy to clean. There are many options to choose from.

The Van Ness Regular Litter Scoop has a sturdy, high-impact plastic construction that will stand up to heavy loads. It's also simple to wash. You can even choose the big version to give your cats plenty of room to move around.

DurAnimals DuraScoop Premium Multicat Litter Scoop is made of durable aluminum construction. It features a wide shovel that can easily clean out multi-cat litter pans.

Petmate Curvations Litter Scoop is designed with an ergonomically shaped handle for easy and comfortable scooping. This makes it a great option for multiple cat homes.

PetFusion Universal Litter Scoop Holder is another popular choice. It uses silicone bristles to scrape sticky litter.

Litter Lifter is an affordable and lightweight scooper. You can buy it in a range of colors. A long handle lets you scoop litter from a standing position. Another advantage is that it's easy to remove the litter when you're done.

With an extra-long 20" handle, it's easier to reach litter in hard-to-reach corners. It's also a good fit for covered litter boxes.

Litter disposal system

If you are a cat owner, you may be looking for a way to dispose of your pet's waste. A litter disposal system is a convenient and inexpensive solution. These types of systems store used litter in a sealed container and keep odors out.

The first step is to choose the right litter for your cat. For instance, you should opt for clumping litter. When it comes to odor control, you want to choose litter with a built-in deodorizer.

You'll also need a suitable receptacle. There are many choices to choose from, including litter pails and bins, as well as self-cleaning boxes.

Litter Genie is a popular brand. They offer a compact design that allows for easy portability. Its hygienic seal helps soiled litter clumps to be cleaned and disposed of more easily.

Another great option is the Litter Genie Plus. This system combines the hygienic seal of the Litter Genie Pail with a larger capacity. With this, you can store up to 14 days' worth of cat litter at a time.

Cats are a popular household pet. If you have more than one cat, it's best to invest in a large enough waste disposal system.

In addition to storing waste, you'll need to scoop your cat's litter. Most owners empty their boxes once or twice a day. Using a dedicated litter receptacle encourages you to clean up more often.

Disaster preparedness kit

If you have a pet at home, you need to make sure that it's prepared for a disaster. Having the right kit can help you and your pets survive a catastrophe.

A disaster supply kit is a collection of basic items for your household. It should be a complete set and should be assembled well in advance of a disaster. You should include the most important things, such as food and water.

The American Red Cross recommends putting together a kit to keep your home safe in case of emergency. This should include the following:

One week's worth of fresh water should be stored in an airtight container. Make sure to rotate it every three months or so.

In terms of emergency pet supplies, you'll want to have a collapsible pet bowl and collapsible litter box. These can help save space when you have to evacuate.

You'll need to have an ID tag for your cat and its current vaccination records. A collar will also come in handy. Check with your veterinarian about the best way to put together a pet disaster kit.

There are many things to think about when preparing for a disaster. Your cat could become lost or injured. But, if you prepare ahead of time, you'll have a better chance of helping your pet to regain its health and to recover.

As far as the big picture goes, you should make plans for ALL of your pet cats supply.

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Cutest dogs in the world 2021

Cutest dogs in the world 2021

How long can a dog be the cutest dog in the world? Well, that's a good question.

The answer is probably "all of it. Some of the other breeds that make up the cutest dog breeds list are Portuguese Water Dogs, Miniature Schnauzers, Poodles, Pomeranian, Pug, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Yorkshire Terrier, Bernese Mountain Dog, Golden Retriever, Pembroke Welsh Corgi and French Bulldog. Let's take a look at them.

The Boston Terrier is a wonderfully-balanced small dog that was originally bred in Boston, Massachusetts as a hunting companion and later became a household pet. They are very lovable and loyal and are excellent with children, although their small size makes them perfect for apartment life! The Boston Terrier is the smallest of the American breeds and comes in a variety of colors, but their most distinguishing feature is their bright, vivid red coat. These dogs were originally bred to be watchdogs and because of this trait they have a very keen sense of smell! They get their name, because of their lustrous and noticeable coloration and because of their 'repellent' quality, the Boston Terrier was also originally used to hunt by stalking their quarry before they were used to hunting animals. 

The Boston terrier is extremely friendly and a great family pet that has a loving and devoted personality. They need a lot of attention and, although they're not overly demanding, you must have time to play around with your Boston terrier because of their curious nature. Due to their wrinkly, short, and round face, bostons don't do well with those who have nasal problems, have chronic skin infections, allergies, and flea infestations because they constantly shed hair. Although they are very pretty to look at, Bostons also shed tears that are just as much of a concern as other shedding skin. You'll find that a regular bathing once a week will go a long way towards keeping your dog clean and skin-free. 

Because of their affectionate nature and seemingly endless adoration of humans, Boston terriers have been popular worldwide as show dogs and pets. Their gentle, sweet disposition makes them ideal companions for children and can be quite dapper when it comes to attending functions and social gatherings. The Boston Terrier is a naturally intelligent dog that is eager to please and is therefore highly trainable. Because of the intelligence of Boston terriers, training them can take just a few months of consistent training if you are persistent and consistent with your routines. Because of their carefree attitude, Boston terriers make wonderful family dogs that love to spend time with their families.

Litter size1–6 puppies
Life span13 – 15 years
Mass4.5 – 11 kg
TemperamentIntelligent, Friendly, Lively
ColorsBlack & White, Brindle & White, Seal & White


The Portuguese Waterdog has been around since the 16th century. They have the very muscular look that you would expect from an athletic dog. They also have long, shiny coats that are either curly or wavy. Their feet are short, and their snout is large. Their litter size is between six and ten pounds. Their height between seven and ten inches at the shoulder is also fairly tall. When you have a pet water dog, there is no need to take it to an obedience school or become your best friend. Portuguese Waterdogs will overachieve in any type of agility training and make great running companions and fun surf friends. They are extremely energetic and love to constantly run around and of course through the waves. Any water activity you could think of, they'll love to be a part of.

However, one thing the average pet owner may not know about the Portuguese Waterdog is that this dog breed is actually classified as an exotic pet. That means that the Portuguese Waterdog's temperament and health standards are a lot stricter than other dogs of the same breed. This is the reason that it is so important to carefully research which breed of dog will be the best match for you and your lifestyle. The Portuguese Waterdog is a very active breed and requires a lot more exercise than other breeds. If you don't have enough time to commit to daily exercise, then this dog breed may not be right for you. Be prepared, however, that with proper care and maintenance, your pet will be fit and strong and would be able to give you years of enjoyment.

The Portuguese Waterdog can be a terrific pet choice because they are intelligent, happy, active, and loyal to their owners. If you're looking for a dog that will be a great family pet, then the Portuguese Waterdog is definitely for you. Just be prepared to commit to some special exercise and maintenance, because the amount of work involved in keeping a pet Portuguese waterdog is greater than with other breeds. But with the proper care and the proper personality, you'll have a dog that's well worth all the effort.

Life span12 – 15 years
TemperamentIntelligent, Obedient, Docile, Impetuous, Quarrelsome, Brave
HeightFemale: 43–52 cm, Male: 50–57 cm
MassMale: 18 – 27 kg (Adult), Female: 15 – 22 kg (Adult)

Miniature Schnauzers make lovely family pets. They're intelligent, willing to please, and devoted to their owners. The regular short-haired Miniature Schnauzers is very alert and energetic yet quite obedient under command. Miniature Schnauzers tends to be sweet, little, intelligent, loyal, and friendly.
Bred initially as companions on German farms, Miniature Schnauzers has an athletic physique and a small size with a long, bushy beard. The regular short-haired Miniature Schnauzers is very alert and lively but usually obedient under command. These miniature schnauzers were initially bred to be companions and ratters on German farms, giving them short hair and bushy beard. As a result, their short fur does not shed well. They were also bred as hunting and service dogs for the German army in World War II.
The regular short-haired Miniature Schnauzers is also very protective of its owner and family, often jumping at and nipping at children or other animals that come near. Some common health problems you will find in the regular short-haired Miniature Schnauzers include hair loss, allergies, heartworms, skin disorders, and hip & knee problems. You can learn more about the common health problems associated with Miniature Schnauzers by clicking on the following link. Miniature Schnauzers has a long, beautiful, and affectionate history with the Schnauzer breed standard.

Life span: 12 – 15 years
Temperament: Intelligent, Friendly, Fearless, Obedient, Spirited, Alert
Weight: Female: 5.4–8.2 kg, Male: 5.4–9.1 kg
Colors: Black, White, Salt & Pepper, Black & Silver
Height: Female: 30–36 cm, Male: 30–36 cm

The Bernese mountain dog is a medium-sized dog, a member of the four breeds of Sennenhund type dogs in the world. These dogs probably got their name from the Roman hill-forts where the dogs had been used to pull carts or to hunt small animals. The word Sennenhund means "mountain dog" in German. Thus, the Bernese mountain dog was probably named from those who made the mountain trails from the valleys of the Alps to the sea.
Despite its medium size, the Bernese mountain dog is exceptionally strong and well-balanced. This breed is susceptible to no serious health problems and is normally hardy, energetic, and happy. A typical Bernese mountain dog puppy will stand up to ten pounds, although puppies less than eight pounds may also exist.
Crate training for the Bernese mountain dog puppy should ideally start when it is about one year of age. However, this breed tends to be lazy and will usually need about two months of command training before it will cooperate and listen to commands. Constant feeding and supervision are required during the first two months of the life of this breed. Most Bernese breeders will offer the puppies some scraps from their meals or, if they are indoors, they will offer bowls of food to eat in return for their undivided attention. If the Bernese mountain dog puppy has any concerns at all, it should be reassured immediately by a firm "no."

Life span6 – 8 years
TemperamentIntelligent, Affectionate, Loyal, Faithful
HeightMale: 64–70 cm, Female: 58–66 cm
WeightMale: 38–50 kg, Female: 36–48 kg


Poodles are 1 of the most popular breeds in the UK and indeed around the world. The Poodle name comes from German Pudel, which means "little dog." These are highly energetic and intelligent dogs, which make lovely and excellent companions. Poodles have a medium-length coat that is very silky and smooth, with medium to long hair. They are highly trainable and obedient and are often said to be "lovable" or "gentle."

Poodles have a highly receptive temperament, making them a good choice as a first breed or mixed-breed dog. They have a playful, curious character and are said to be easy to train due to high energy levels and the eagerness to please. Poodles are known for being lively, energetic, fun-loving, playful, and friendly dogs with an extraordinary sense of humor. All the Poodles have a square-shaped, long, fine-boned neck, with a straight, upright back and a tail that dock easily.
They are favorite among dog lovers of all ages and across many different breeds of dogs, Poodles have become a part of many human cultures over the years. They are the most popular dog breeds in France, where they are considered not only to be affectionate and friendly but also to be intelligent and devoted to their owners. Poodles can be used as protection dogs, watchdogs, show dogs, miniature lap dogs, or any other type of dog breed. They are lovely companions, loving and loyal friends, which are at home in their homes everywhere.

Life span12 – 15 years
HeightToy Poodle: 24 – 28 cm, Miniature Poodle: 28 – 35 cm, Standard Poodle: 45 – 60 cm, Medium Poodle: 35 – 45 cm
TemperamentIntelligent, Alert, Faithful, Instinctual, Trainable, Active
ColorsBlack, White, Apricot, Sable, Cream, Black & White, Grey, Silver, Brown, Red, Blue

The Pomeranian dog is a beautiful small dog with an exuberant personality. The word of the breed originates from Pomeranian, which is the area of Northern Europe in which they originally originated. They are popular affectionately called Poms or Pom Poms, even though these little dogs generally weigh up to 7 pounds. These dogs are known for their beautiful silky coats and high energy levels. These dogs were initially bred as hunting aids, but later their temperament has been changed so that they are suitable as house pets. 

The majority of pomeranians today are long-haired, although curly-haired poms are becoming more common as many dog owners are realizing their miniature traits and desire for a long-haired companion. Poms are extremely intelligent, happy animals. They tend to bond with their humans and family members and are great dogs for families with children. However, they have been known to be somewhat possessive and aggressive towards other dogs, particularly those of the opposite sex. 

The term "Pomeranian" actually means "little pomegranate," which is why the dogs are often called "pomegranate" as well. A true poem is referred to as the "queen" or "grievous little one" and is over three inches in height at the shoulder with a tail that is half the size of its body. A Pomeranian can be anywhere from eight to fifteen inches in height at the shoulder, while the larger dog is anywhere from fifteen to twenty-four inches.

Life span12 – 16 years
Height7 to 12 inches (18 to 30 cm)
Mass1.9 – 3.5 kg (Adult)
TemperamentPlayful, Intelligent, Friendly, Extroverted, Sociable, Active

The Pug is an excellent breed of small, dog-sized dogs with many unique physical characteristics; including, flat faced, wrinkly face, short muzzled face with a curled tail, medium to long fur. The pug breed has a fine, silky, curly coat, which come in various colors, usually light silver to pale chocolate brown, and a tapered, square-shaped body with well developed muscles. The Pug has short, rounded ears, a black nose, a fair complexion, a white chest, a perky tail, heart-shaped, pointed ears, a black kisser, a round, tapering head, and short, round feet. Pugs are very active and energetic dogs, which makes them great for those who don't have time to exercise. This breed is extremely intelligent and eager to please, which makes them great companions for children and adults. 

Despite their small size, pugs do suffer from some health issues. These include breathing problems such as sleep apnea, excessive snoring, congenital defects such as cleft palate, eye problems, skin allergies, and hip dysplasia. There are relatively few breeders of this kind of dog, but because of these relatively few breeding-home owners, there is relatively little information on the health history of these dogs. Because these rugs are relatively healthy dogs, it is not uncommon for them to develop health problems such as kidney or heart diseases. With proper preventative care, however, these health issues can be avoided. 

While these dogs are known as mindy and rather playful, they can also be a handful. They are very quick to become distracted and often forgetful of things or other dogs. Pugs do enjoy the playfulness and are notorious escape artists, so you need to take precautions to keep them in the house. Pugs also like to dig and tend to be allergic to grasses, weeds and other types of weeds. If your dog does have allergies to any of these substances, he may not behave and be less than friendly to others around him, so if you suspect that your pug has any allergies, it's best to bring him to the veterinarian for a check-up.

Life span12 – 15 years
Breed ofDog
TemperamentPlayful, Affectionate, Charming, Stubborn, Docile, Mischievous, Clever, Sociable, Loving, Attentive, Calm, Quiet

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, sometimes spelt cappuccino, is a smaller breed of pure-bred spaniels belonging to the toy group of The American Kennel Club and the Toy Group of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It was originally bred in England in the late 1890s and later became part of the American Kennel Club's breeding selection program. In United States, the breed is said to have flourished after World War II as pets for the armed services men. However, in more recent years, the pet's popularity as a family pet rose and it was soon listed as an acceptable breed for inclusion in many American dog registries. It achieved such recognition that in 2007, the American Kennel Club sought to register it as a Certified Standardbred and Display Animal. It moved just one point lower but was granted its membership due to its continued acceptance by American organizations.

Like the Standard Schnauzer and the Umbrian Husky, the Cavalier King Charles spaniels belong to the Toy Group of the American Kennel Club. Unlike these two breeds, however, the Cavalier King Charles is smaller than both. The overall size of the two breeds is almost the same, except for the face, which is wider in comparison with the face of the Standard Schnauzer. Despite its small size, the Cairn Terrier does not appear wrinkled, despite its short coat. Its glossy coat, in fact, stands out against its other siblings. 

As with any other dog, you must remember to prepare for the challenges ahead by learning how to properly care for your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy. Like many other dog breeds, they require basic grooming and health care before you consider anything else. This breed experiences less wrinkles than many other dogs, so you will probably be able to avoid much of the frequent illnesses that are common to Cavalier spaniel breeds. However, like other small breeds, they do require regular veterinarian check-ups.

Life span: 9 – 14 years
Height: 12–13 inches (30–33 cm)
Temperament: Playful, Affectionate, Sociable, Fearless, Patient, Adaptable, Graceful, Gentle
Colors: Tri-color, Black & Tan, Blenheim, Ruby
Mass: Male: 5.9 – 8.2 kg (Adult), Female: 5.9 – 8.2 kg (Adult)

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular small dog breeds in the United States. While many people think a Yorkshire Terrier is just a cute small breed of dog, there are several important things you should know before purchasing one for your home. The Yorkshire Terrier can make a great, loyal companion and very protective dog. If you want to purchase a Yorkie but are unsure what to expect from this tiny dog breed, then you need to do some research.

Like many terriers, the Yorkshire terriers were originally bred and raised in England. Today there are many breeders and shelters where these dogs are being adopted. In many instances, when Yorkshire terriers are adopted from England, they are usually mistreated or not given much love. There have even been cases where the Yorkshire terriers have been used for dog fighting. 

The Yorkshire terrier does shed more than other terriers, however they also tend to be very healthy dogs. The Yorkshire terrier's coat is normally white with a dark body and black ears. The standard yorkies coat is three inches long between the top and bottom coats. The American Kennel Club does not allow the standard cookies to be registered as a purebred, due to the fact that they have been altered by the breeding process. Most breeders will claim that their Yokies are 100% purebred, but you have to be aware that because they are registered as a sporting breed, many organizations consider any purebred Yorkie to be a sporting breed.

Life span: 13 – 16 years
Weight: 4 to 7 lbs
Height: 8 to 9 inches
Temperament: Intelligent, Bold, Independent, Confident, Courageous
Colors: Blue & Tan, Blue & Gold, Black & Tan, Black & Gold

The Golden Retriever is a breed that will last a lifetime if properly taken care of. Their long sleek hair requires only the occasional brushing and bathing and will remain that way all your life. They are a very good breed for those who have sensitive skin because they are an extremely gentle and kind breed. If you have any fears at all about grooming the Golden Retriever please don't do it. They don't need daily grooming but some do enjoy playing in the bath and snuggling up against you in their warm soft bed. 

Golden Retrievers is one of the few breeds that will stand up to being brushed a hundred times a day. This is a requirement from the American Kennel Club for the breed to have a long and sturdy coat that doesn't break easily. This is not a breed for those who do not have a lot of time or the patience to groom the dog. Their coats require clipping every couple of weeks because the new outer coat needs to be brushed out to reduce matting and tangling. Constant brushing will keep the coat shiny and reduce tangling. 

The American Kennel Club recommends that the American golden retriever puppy be given at least six months to grow into a full-grown adult. Golden Retrievers are wonderful companions for children and home pets. They are great with children of all ages and will often stay by the side while the children play. They are very protective of family members and will often bark loudly when a stranger enters the house. The light golden retriever puppy has an easy-going temperament and an average intelligence.

Life span: 10 – 12 years
Temperament: Intelligent, Friendly, Reliable, Kind, Trustworthy, Confident
Weight: Female: 25–32 kg, Male: 30–34 kg
Height: Female: 51–56 cm, Male: 56–61 cm
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is still classified as a purebred, although it is now considered an American Shorthair. The Pembroke breed is closely related to the English Toy Poodle and is thought to have been brought over with the English in the 1800s from Germany. It was not a very common breed in the U.S., but was one of the most popular when American Kennel Club registration started. These dogs are very cute and very friendly, making them very popular with families. 

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi has a beautiful coat that is long and flowing, with many colors and patterns. The English Toy Pembroke Welsh corgi is a great example of an American Short hair; the American Kennel Club (AKC) has accepted the breed into its registry. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi has an average height of ten inches at the shoulder, a body length of eleven inches, a tail that is half the dog's size at the point of the elbow, and ears that are tipped slightly backward. They are solid-colored with dark-colored coats, but are able to use alternative colored coatings, including white and tan. 

This dog is very likely to get ear problems, especially during grooming time. If you own a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and this happens, make sure you get your vet to check the ears to make sure they are clear and not filled with wax. Any veterinarian should be able to help you with this and should be able to give you a prescription for ear drops or antibiotic ointment to take care of the problem. Ear infections in dogs are very common and can be easily treated and prevented if you are careful with your pets. Also, if your dog shows any signs of this disorder, you should contact your veterinarian right away.

Life span: 12 – 15 years
Temperament: Playful, Friendly, Tenacious, Outgoing, Bold, Protective
Weight: Male: 10–14 kg, Female: 10–13 kg
Colors: Fawn, Black & Tan, Sable, Black & White, Red

French Bulldog puppies tend to suffer from breathing difficulties because of their long, floppy muzzles and so, you must allow them to take control on the level of physical exercise they get while outside and around. They also should be well-trained earlier on, be guided properly on recall training, lead on training and other puppy training techniques will help ensure that they are kept safe. If you have not been able to train your puppy earlier, the previous training should be completed first before introducing a new training technique. This will ensure that your dog will not be confused and be able to learn on its own. In general, French Bulldogs need less exercise than other breeds of dogs, but they do need at least one hour of vigorous exercise each day and this can be carried out with a lot of fun and games.

The temperament of the French bulldog is very much like the American Staffordshire Terrier, which makes them suitable for most families. However, unlike the American Staffordshire Terrier, who is a very calm and placid dog, the French bulldog is a medium sized and strong dog that would make a suitable match for those families who have an aggressive pet and want to firm it up. The most popular colors for this breed of dog is the tan, black and blue. The tan and black are the colors that are most popular with the buyers while blue and the black color can be found in the most number of sighthounds that are bred and reared in the United Kingdom. However, the most famous color which was once the favorite of the American Staffordshire Terrier owner is the blue and is still in high demand.

The eyes of a French Bulldog are very expressive and they can be very expressive while the facial expressions and the way the dog moves are some of the things that make it so endearing. One of the unique traits of the French bulldog is its long and droopy ears. This long structure of the French bulldog's ears also adds to the French bulldog's temperament as well as their beauty. When it comes to grooming, the French bulldog is one of the easiest breeds of dogs to maintain and they need less grooming time than most other breeds of dogs. The maintenance of the French bulldog is on par with the maintenance of any other regular sized dog.

Life span: 10 – 14 years
Other names: Bouledogue français
Common nicknames: Frenchies
Temperament: Playful, Affectionate, Easygoing, Sociable, Lively, Keen, Alert, Patient, Athletic, Bright
Colors: White, Fawn, Brindle, Brindle & White, Tan


We have shared quite a fair bit of the cutest dog breeds but at the end of the day "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder". All dogs are in their own way cute and loving. So get one that fits your liking and budget. 
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How to reduce stress in dogs?

How to reduce stress in dogs?

If you are one of the dog owners who think that having a pet dog is relieving your stress, you need to know some tips on reducing stress in dogs? As a dog owner, you need to understand how to deal with various kinds of dog-related stressors in order for both you and your pet dog to get the best of everything. These are some things that you should do to help you and your dog adjust to living in harmony despite their differences.

* Know your pets. Know their personalities so that you will be able to figure out the factors that cause them stress and manage it. Some dogs react to stress with aggression, while some others become aggressive due to certain reasons. Knowing your pets' backgrounds will enable you to properly relate to them and learn how to address the issue of how to deal with their stress. For instance, if your dog is a house pet, you need to understand that there are certain things that you have to consider in order to keep them healthy and safe. Likewise, if your dog is an outdoor pet, you need to make sure that they know the various dangers that they might encounter in order to protect them from possible injuries or illnesses.

* Give your pets proper exercise. Studies show that dogs who are physically active have lower levels of cortisol, which is a hormone that can cause anxiety in dogs and humans. If you really want to know how to reduce stress in dogs? One of the best solutions is to ensure that your dog has regular exercise since physical activities help them relieve stress and tension, thus improving their immune system and making them stronger.

* Give your dog's proper diet. As we all know, different dog breeds vary in terms of their likes and dislikes, making it challenging to provide them with the same diet. But, if you want to know how to reduce stress in dogs? Feed your dog a healthy diet comprised of meat, vegetables, and other foods that contain necessary nutrients to ensure a solid and fit body. Additionally, the right amount of exercise will improve the health and condition of your dog.

* Give your dog a good companion. Dogs were meant to be with people, and by nature, they want to please their masters. How to reduce stress in dogs? Ensure that you give them plenty of opportunities to play with you so that their boredom will be kept at bay. If you're busy, let your dog accompany you at home or keep him close to the park so he can mingle with other dogs.

* Provide a positive emotional environment. Dogs are very sensitive to the messages sent out by their master, so if you want to know how to reduce stress in dogs? You have to be a happy and calm dog owner first and foremost. Don't yell, snap, or otherwise display negative behavior towards your dog, as this will only lead to more problems.

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Are dogs color blind?

Are dogs color blind?

Have you ever wondered if our dogs are color blind? Do they only see red, orange, or yellow? Or, are all dogs color blind? Well, the answer is a bit complicated. 

See, humans can only see three, orange, and yellow. And, these three colors can be combined in many ways to create an array of four or more. That's why we can have red, black, white, and blue all in one setting. That's why we can have all different types of these colors in one setting too. So, do dogs have these same types of color vision? 

Well, it's a bit complicated but not really. What we do know is that dogs have three types of color centers. These centers are red, yellow, and green. There are also small cones that are found within each of these colors which are responsible for causing color perception. 

Now, if a human has all four cones working at their optimal level, then he or she will see everything within the spectrum of the visible light spectrum. A normal human being will have some shades of green and some red. So, is there a way that a dog can have all of these colors at their optimal levels? Well, there is, and it comes in the form of dog toys. 

All dogs have three types of cone cells working for them. However, humans can improve their cone perception by using special lenses. So, humans can enhance their sight just like any other animal can. Canine toys help dogs to get used to seeing in all of the colors that are available to them. 

Special yellow and green grass disks are designed for use with dog agility competitions. These discs change from one color to another as the dog runs, jumps and completes his course. Then, there are also disk designs in various other colors. Just try to look around and you will find many different colors for your dog's discs. 

The other way that dogs can improve their vision is by using special sights and lights that attach to their lead ropes. Humans have two types of cones and these are called red and green cones. A human can enhance these two cone types by turning his or her head toward the sun. 

So, what do you think about dogs that are not able to see well because their eyes aren't able to distinguish between red or green? Do you think that they might need some sort of treatment, and if so, what should it be? Do you think that training your dog to recognize different colors is important? There are eye chart kits available that teach dogs how to spot colored dots on the eye chart, so you may want to consider this as an option. 

One problem with dogs that have trouble seeing colors is that, in many cases, their visual system is designed to ignore color. In other words, it doesn't have the circuitry in it to distinguish between red and green and so it totally ignore the color. What's interesting about this is that it applies even when dogs are exposed to artificial colors. The reason is that humans have a series of neurons in their visual system that fire off color images when they encounter something that is different than the norm. 

Interestingly, dogs see all kinds of colors. When we turn our backs on them, they can't sense anything at all. However, most of them do recognize yellow, red and orange. These are basically all the colors that our eyes can recognize. If we expose them to these colors for a little bit, they do respond, but it's only for a short time. 

Another example is that most dogs can't tell bright red from a yellow toy. This makes sense since dogs have no sense of color intensity, at least in their visual sense. This means that if you put a bright red toy in front of them, and they look at it for a few moments, they will get the idea that it's a toy. If you throw in yellow, they won't take it in their mouths. 

As you can see, color perception in dogs is more complicated than it seems. We think that they use the same kind of color range that humans do, but that's not necessarily true. In actuality, most dogs have a very limited color range that they can work with. To really understand how they work, you might want to consider taking an agility course that includes training your dog to be an obedience dog or working on a toy fence with your dog.

If you need dog supplies just visit us at Paws and Me.

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Dog's Love

Dog's Love

When we think of love, a common image that comes to mind is many people surrounding a small puppy with their arms wrapped around its body and the puppy licking its owner's face. While this imagery describes a fairly common scene, loving your dog is much more than a matter of affection. It is responsible for providing your dog with love and care that will develop into a positive relationship between dog and owner.

Unfortunately, not all dogs view the world the same way as we do. Some dogs need extra attention to ensure that they are well cared for.
To properly care for your dog and develop a loving relationship with it, you must understand your dog's physiological needs. Dogs require physical activities to stay healthy and happy. You should provide your dog with playtime, clean food, and water regularly. Doing so will keep your dog fit and strong and will prevent diseases from plaguing your dog's body.

Another important factor to consider when caring for your dog is its psychological needs. Your dog sees its owner as a source of comfort and security. The first thing you should do when training your dog is to set up an environment where it feels safe and loved. One excellent place to start is by providing it with its own play area where it can play and run around with other dogs. Ensure that there is plenty of room for your dog to run around, but keep in mind that your dog needs to have enough space to play because when it's playing, it will be thinking, and what it needs is a quiet place to rest. A large amount of space will also discourage large, destructive dogs from jumping up on your guests or owners.

Providing your dog with exercise will help him or her live a longer life and maintain healthy body weight. Playing in the sand, running around in the neighborhood, or taking walks are all excellent exercise forms for dogs. Exercise also helps burn off excess calories, which leads to weight loss. The more your dog has exercised, the happier and healthier he or she will be. This also contributes to the well-being of your dog's mind, body, and soul.

A dog's love for their owner is expressed in many ways, including sleeping on the owner's bed, eating meals out of the meal plate, grooming their owner, playing with the dog, and sleeping in bed next to their owners. A dog that is well cared for will have these behaviors. A healthy and emotionally fit dog will display these same emotions in his or her body as well.

There is a specific type of dog known as a social dog, which was bred specifically for the purpose of companionship. Social dogs crave their human companions' companions and will go out of their way to establish a relationship with their owners. This means that a dog's love towards you is not purebred, but it comes from the mutual care you provide for each other. If you are not a very close friend of your dog, there are still ways that you can show your dog your love. One of the best ways is to play with him or her and spend time together.

As stated before, dogs are used to human companionship, which is why it is important to make a significant other feel needed when they enter the relationship. A dog's love towards their owner comes from how much the owner needs them. Establishing this need to your dog will result in the best outcome for the two of you.
Lastly, dogs are social animals. They will follow their owners around, be curious about their surroundings, and look to find food, affection, or attention. A dog that has fulfilled its natural instinct to serve humans will look to them for company and be happy to please them. If a dog loves its master, it will be content no matter what by its side because it knows that its duty is done.


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The Most Famous Cats In The US

The Most Famous Cats In The US

If you are looking for information on the most famous cats in the US, there are many ways to determine that. This country is a huge place, and there are so many different things going on that there are millions of reasons that cats can be seen. To get an accurate figure, it's essential to find out which states have the most cats and which states have the least. There are even lists that break down which states have more cats than others and which states have the most dogs.


The most famous cats in the US might surprise you. The most famous cats in the US include the American Ringtail Cat, the Carolina Parakeet, and the Persianayan Bat Cat. These are only three of the most famous cats in the US, but they are among the most beloved pets. Both the American Ringtail Cat and the Carolina Parakeet are part of the Non-Petranian species of feline.

Of course, many other breeds in this country are the most popular cats. The most famous cats in this country include the American Short-haired Cat, the American Tree Hollow Cat, the Bengal Cat, the Burmese Cat, the Boston Terrier, the Camerario, the Chinese Crested, and the Colorpoint Cat. These are just a few examples of the most popular breeds, and there are probably many other breeds out there that are very popular and that you may not have heard of.

Most cats have names, and most cats have a unique name that tells you something about their personality or appearance. Some of the most famous names for cats include Bell, Boner, Bumble, Boulder, Biscuit, Bro, Coffee, Cracker, Dancer, Dingo, Fido, Ginger, Jazz, Kitten, Liberty, Looney, Muffy, Nappy, Peek-a-boo, Popeye, Rascal, Scratchy, Speckled, Tuff, and Yogi. Some of these names are more generic, while others are particular.

The most popular colors for cats in the US are usually black and brown. Most of the most famous cats in the world are typically colored. This is because many people like to distinguish their cats from other breeds of cats by coloring them. Cats can be solid-colored, multi-colored, or any number of different colors.

In many cases, the most famous cats in the US are bred to be of a specific color or type. For example, the black Maine Coon is often breeding to be a purebred, quality black cat, although they come in all colors. The most popular color for a cat in the US is usually white, followed by silver, black, tan, and pink. The cat feline is currently going through a color shift as it becomes more widely accepted in the US.

There are many famous cats amongst celebrities. From Bruce Springsteen to Peaches, from Garfield to Chesterfield, fromatti to Beethoven, cats are admired for their uniqueness. And with their numerous faces and appearances, they have become the latest fashion accessory for celebrities. Even politicians have come out as supporters of certain cats. With the constant blitz of marketing campaigns and advertisements in the media, it is hard for the average citizen to get away from the cats and their antics.

For instance, President Barack Obama had a pet hamster named Pikachu. This is the latest trend endorsed by the American President. A lot of Americans are loving Pikachu and look forward to meeting the president and having him touch it. And that is the reason why the Internet is flooded with photographs of Pikachu with the famous American president.

Then there is Garfield, who was made famous by Bill Murray. Garfield is a boy bear who lives in an apartment with his friends. The best feature about Garfield is that he always sniffs the faces of the people who enter his house. This makes him the cutest cat on the planet.

Celebrity pets are also loved by millions of people, even if they do not necessarily fall under the category of celebrity pets. Just like cats, celebrities are loved because of their distinct appearances. There are many famous cats amongst celebrities such as Oscar, fluffy, Ginger, and lumberjack. Each one of these icons has different looks, but they all are adorable in their own way.

In the case of ginger, she is often seen carrying her gingerbread doll or eating cookies. In the case of Oscar, he is the one who tries to win over the affections of the judges with his winning speech. These cats appeal to different types of people. For example, gingerbread cat is loved by young girls. On the other hand, Oscar is loved by people who are very rich.

Other than cats, there are other types of celebrity pets, such as dogs. People can find their pets adorable when they come to visit them in their houses. Some people are allergic to dogs, while others do not like them at all. Celebrities have made their mark in the world and people who have not yet considered having a pet of their own, just look at them as soon as possible.

There is a wide variety of options available when it comes to purchasing famous cats. Different people will like different types of these celebrity pets. Therefore, they should be bought keeping in mind the personality of the owner. Some cats will be more demanding than others.

The internet is a great place for purchasing these famous cats. It will allow the person to browse for the type of cat they desire. The person can also look for the prices of these celebrity pets and choose the one that suits their budget. A person can buy them online after browsing and making comparisons among all the options.

 If you need something for your cats and dogs, visit our Online Pet Supplies Store at

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A Gift Basket For Man's Best Friend

A Gift Basket For Man's Best Friend

It seems like you've given almost everyone a gift, how about giving your best friend a present, too? How about blessing someone's pet dog a gift basket. Unsure on how to go about the putting together of one dog gift basket for your dog-lover pal? Here are a few simple tips that won't cost you much:

A perfect dog gift basket for your friend's dog?
You never go wrong with a spa gift basket that will surely help your buddy pamper his or her pet. Aside from the thoughtfulness of caring for your friend's best pet pal, a lovely smelling dog is a plus, too. Here's how to create that worthy dog gift basket: Select good quality dog grooming goods. Try to look for products with labels that indicate the ingredients. Products with the owner's favorite scents should also be considered. A lovely dog shampoo and conditioner, a complementing pet perfume, a dog hairbrush, or detangler can be a good selection, too, especially if the dog is a long-haired one. A balm for the dog's paw pads, an ear cleaner, a nail clipper, and other pet care products can be excellent gifts to fill your dog gift basket.

You can choose a basket or container for the products; flea markets or garage sales can be the right places to see when you're searching for rustic baskets or boxes to place the dog grooming products in it. A waterproof tote will be a good alternative too. Be sure that all the products will fit in well. If get a big basket, including a dog towel to fill out the large basket is one great tip to follow. Shredded paper can be another alternative for filling too.
Add the gift basket for the dog with a toy to play with while enjoying the water. Grooming books can be beneficial to new dog owners. So you might want to include all those items in your basket too.
Cover the gift basket with cellophane. Choose either a clear or tinted cellophane to cover your dog gift basket. It can help to serve as a protection against rain and dust. Don't forget to include a nice-looking card and a big bow. Ribbons can also be used in securing the cellophane wrap.

Other substitutes to the gift basket idea are putting in gifts that will benefit the owner, such as canine calendars, novelty items with a dog theme, e.g., action figures, T-shirts with paw prints, dog magazines, and photo frames. Include more dog toys such as dog bones and chew toys for them will be more than appreciated, too.

If you want the gift items to be more of a surprise, wrap the things with a gift wrap that has a doggie theme. You can also conceal some of the gifts with some shredded paper filling to add more surprise to it.
You can now easily customize a dog gift basket to delight your dog recipient and its owner.

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A Look at Diamond Dog Tags

A Look at Diamond Dog Tags

Diamond dog tags are the best. The most luxurious type of dog tag one can ever purchase.

Diamond dog tags can cost up to $7500 or more. If you can afford luxuries, a diamond dog tag would be a perfect addition to your collection. Give your BFF a diamond bone, heart, fire hydrant, or any of a limitless number of shapes and designs.

You can even buy dog-and-owner tag duos. Put one on your dog's collar, and hang one as a pendant from your neck as a charm.

A diamond dog tag deserves a quality collar or necklace. You wouldn't frame a masterpiece painting with cardboard, would you? The same principle applies to dog tags. Most businesses of diamond dog tags also carry luxury collars. You can have diamonds on the collar, and for maximum effect, rhinestones, crystals, sapphires, gold, silver, or other precious stones. Perhaps a series of your dog's birthstone would be a great touch.

Diamonds for dogs are the same as diamonds for humans. They're priced at a few hundred dollars and can go as high as thousands of dollars, depending on size, cut, and supplier.

You can find more affordable ones as a backup in case your diamond dog tag ever falls off your rambunctious pup. Visit us @ for quality dog products and gifts. 


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